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How You Can Lower Your Heating Bill

27th March, 2024 Advice

How You Can Lower Your Heating Bill

The COVID-19 pandemic may have left you wondering how you can save money. We run through how you can effectively reduce your heating bill.

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How to Power Your Boiler with Solar Panels

25th March, 2024 Advice

How to Power Your Boiler with Solar...

As more and more people become conscious of their impact on the environment and the ban on the sale of new gas and oil boilers in new homes comes into...

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Arranging a Boiler Service

22nd March, 2024 Advice

Arranging a Boiler Service

Whilst a boiler service might seem like an unnecessary added cost each year, it really is an important step to ensuring your boiler is operating safel...

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What Size Combi Boiler Do I Need?

20th February, 2024 Advice

What Size Combi Boiler Do I Need?

Find out whether the size of your combi boiler will make any difference to its capabilities.

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How Much Does a Boiler Power Flush Cost?

12th February, 2024 Advice

How Much Does a Boiler Power Flush C...

A power flush can be a very effective way to clean out your central heating system, but that does not make it flawless.

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How Long Will A Back Boiler Conversion Take?

31st July, 2023 Advice

How Long Will A Back Boiler Conversi...

A back boiler conversion could be your ticket from the past to the present, where boilers can be sleek, efficient and best of all… actually save you m...

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Checking Your Boiler When Buying a New Home

31st July, 2023 Advice

Checking Your Boiler When Buying a N...

Buying a new home is a massive investment and you’ll likely consider a number of different factors when weighing up the cost of a property.

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How Difficult is it to Move a Boiler?

23rd July, 2023 Advice

How Difficult is it to Move a Boiler...

Sometimes, the location of your boiler isn’t ideal and there are a number of reasons you may wish to relocate it.

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Busting Boiler Myths

26th January, 2023 Advice

Busting Boiler Myths

We understand that not everyone is a boiler expert, and despite the at times confusing appliance market, of course you want your property to be heated...

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Moving Boiler To The Attic Or Garage

29th December, 2022 Advice

Moving Boiler To The Attic Or Garage

If you believe you would benefit from moving your boiler to a new location, either for financial or safety reasons, the good news is that it’s possibl...

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Boiler Condemned? What to do!

26th December, 2022 Advice

Boiler Condemned? What to do!

If your boiler has been recently condemned, it can be a cause for concern as panic and indecision can begin to cloud your rationality and judgement pr...

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Save £1,151 On Your Energy Bills With a New Boiler + Smart Thermostat

18th November, 2022 Advice

Save £1,151 On Your Energy Bills Wit...

A new boiler and smart thermostat has the potential to make a huge difference to your annual heating bills and with iHeat’s Give Back Friday coming so...

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