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Last updated: 15th March, 2024


Home EV Charging Costs

Home EV Charging Costs

Key takeaways

  • Home EV charging offers convenience and long-term cost savings compared to traditional fuel.
  • Electricity prices and the type of charger affect the overall costs of home EV charging.
  • Technological advancements are making home EV charging more efficient and accessible.

Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers are quantified by their power output in kilowatts (kW). Electricity rates in the UK are based on a per kilowatt-hour (kWh) pricing system, which varies depending on the energy tariff.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are paving the way for a more sustainable future, with home charging emerging as a convenient option for EV owners. The year 2024 has witnessed a significant shift towards electric mobility, and as a result, an increased focus on the infrastructure supporting it, namely home EV charging systems.

The cost of installing and using a home EV charging station is a critical consideration for consumers, balanced by the potential savings over traditional petrol or diesel vehicles.

In the context of the UK, the economics of home EV charging are influenced by various factors, including the price of electricity and advancements in charging technology. With energy prices fluctuating, EV owners are becoming more strategic about how and when they charge their vehicles to maximise efficiency and minimise costs.

The upfront costs of purchasing and installing a home charging station must also be weighed against the long-term benefits of reduced fuel expenses and lower carbon emissions.

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The Basics of Home EV Charging

Electric vehicle ownership has brought the focus to home charging solutions, where understanding the interplay of electricity rates, charger types, and vehicle battery specifications is important for efficient energy use and cost savings.

Understanding Electrical Units and Rates

Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers are quantified by their power output in kilowatts (kW). Electricity rates in the UK are based on a per kilowatt-hour (kWh) pricing system, which varies depending on the energy tariff. It's crucial for homeowners to comprehend these rates as they directly influence the cost of charging an EV at home. Overnight charging typically benefits from lower energy prices, reflecting off-peak tariffs.

Types of Home Chargers

Home chargers come in several types and power outputs, mainly categorised by their rated capacities: 3 kW (slow), 7 kW (fast), 7.4 kW (fast), and 22 kW (faster). The 7 kW chargers are the most common for residential use, balancing charging speed and energy costs. Chargers may also have features like scheduled charging or app connectivity. Homeowners should match the charger type to their vehicle's charging capabilities and daily usage patterns.

Installation of Home Chargers

The installation process for home chargers requires professional electricians and must comply with UK regulations. Most UK homes with off-street parking choose wall-mounted chargers for convenience. The upfront cost can be offset by government grants, like the EV chargepoint grant that replaced the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS), supporting residential charging expansion.

Electric Vehicles and Battery Fundamentals

EV batteries come in diverse capacities, measured in kWh, which determines the range and charging needs. Larger batteries provide greater range but may require longer charging times. Knowledge of one's own vehicle's battery size helps in selecting the appropriate home charger and estimating charging durations.

Home Charging vs Public Charging Infrastructure

Home charging typically offers lower costs and higher convenience compared to public charging. Public infrastructure, while increasingly widespread, tends to be pricier due to higher rates and the necessity to cover service costs. Homeowners benefit from charging overnight, capitalising on lower tariffs and waking up to a fully charged EV ready for the day.

Cost Analysis of EV Charging at Home

Reflecting on the economics of electric vehicle (EV) home charging, understanding the precise cost per mile, the relative savings compared to fossil fuels, and the impact of energy tariffs, one finds efficiency and affordability as central themes.

Understanding Charging Costs

Charging an EV at home entails costs from electricity consumption, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). With the standard unit cost of electricity at 28.62p per kWh, from 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024, the exact expense varies based on the vehicle's battery efficiency and the chosen tariff.

Comparing Electricity and Fuel Costs

Electricity rates for charging EVs at home typically result in lower running costs than refuelling with petrol or diesel. As of January 2024, the cost of driving an electric car is around 8p per mile, while operating a diesel or petrol vehicle ranges between 13p to 17p per mile.

Savings and Economic Efficiency

The shift to home charging provides not only environmental benefits but also economic efficiencies. The lower cost per mile leads to significant savings over time, making EVs a cost-effective choice for consumers aware of their consumption and energy pricing trends.

EV Tariffs and Finding the Cheapest Rates

Selecting the correct energy tariff can enhance the affordability of home charging. Specialised EV tariffs are available from various suppliers, with options geared towards off-peak hours to further reduce costs and maximise savings.

The Impact of Battery Size on Charging Costs

The size of an EV's battery has a direct correlation with charging costs. Larger batteries require more electricity to charge fully; hence, understanding one's driving patterns and aligning them with the vehicle's capacity becomes paramount for cost-efficient energy use.

Operational Benefits and Performance

Home electric vehicle (EV) charging in 2024 stands as a testament to advancements in technology and sustainability. One should take into account the intricate dance of charging speeds, efficiency measures, and the growing reliability that underscores the essence of contemporary EV use.

Charging Speeds and EV Efficiency

Home charging stations have evolved, integrating rapid charging and ultra-rapid charging capabilities that significantly reduce downtime for EV drivers. For instance, a medium-sized EV can now replenish its battery faster than ever, with some charging units offering full charges in under an hour. The efficiency of these processes has also seen improvement, meaning an electric car utilises more of the energy provided for its propulsion.

Improvement in EV Range

The endurance of an electric car has seen a remarkable upturn. A fully charged 60 kWh EV battery typically promises a driving range extending up to 200 miles. This increase diminishes range anxiety, a concern once prevalent in early EV discussions, and motivates an upsurge in consumer confidence for electric cars as practical daily drivers.

Health and Environmental Benefits

Electric vehicles contribute considerably to reducing air pollution, as they emit far less greenhouse gases and pollutants in comparison to petrol or diesel cars. A survey might suggest that residents in urban areas have observed a palpable difference in air quality since the adoption of EVs surged, complementing the wider health and environmental strategies in place across the UK.

Reliability and Convenience Factors

The reliability of home EV charging stations is now strikingly high, with fewer instances of malfunction reported year on year. This ensures that EV drivers can rely on their home charging equipment to perform consistently. Additionally, the convenience factor cannot be overlooked; charging at home eliminates the need to plan routes around public charging stations, a boon for those with access to off-street parking.

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Considerations for Home EV Charging

Integrating home EV charging infrastructure involves understanding both the technical specifications of electric vehicles and the energy systems of households.

Charger Compatibility and Vehicle Requirements

When selecting a charger for a residence, it's essential to consider the type of charger compatible with the electric car. Most electric cars use a Type 2 connector for slow to fast charging, while rapid chargers often utilise a Type 1 connection or the CCS for direct current. With a 60 kWh battery, the typical range is approximately 200 miles, hence ensuring the charger can fully recharge the battery overnight is prudent.

Assessing the Need for Speed: Choosing the Right Charger

The chosen charger should equate to the owner's needs, balancing charging speed and the impact on the home's electrical system. A 7kW charger provides approximately 25 miles of range per hour of charge, whereas a 3kW charger will offer half of that. Speed needs must be weighed against the potential for higher electricity demands and increased installation costs.

Home Energy Management for EV Owners

Effective energy management minimises costs; it is crucial to assess a household's kWh capacity. Home charging increases a household's energy consumption, potentially influencing the energy tariff one should opt for. Utilising smart meters can assist owners in monitoring their electricity usage.

Influence of Off-Peak Charging on Costs

Electricity rates fluctuate, with off-peak times typically offering cheapest rates. Therefore, it's economically advantageous to charge an EV during these periods, with many vehicles and chargers allowing scheduling to harness these savings. In the UK, off-peak hours often fall overnight, dovetailing with the convenience of charging a vehicle when it's not in use.

The landscape of electric vehicle (EV) charging is rapidly evolving, with innovative technology trends, changing government regulations, market dynamics, and consumer behaviour all playing pivotal roles.

Emerging Trends in EV Charging Technology

One pronounced trend is vehicle-to-home (V2H) integration, positioning the EV as a potential energy storage solution for households. Advances in charger types and charging infrastructure are enabling electric cars, like the Hyundai Ioniq 6, to store and discharge electricity, thereby potentially lowering domestic energy costs during peak tariff times. Moreover, the introduction of bi-directional chargers provides EV drivers with the flexibility to manage their vehicle's battery power more strategically.

Government Policies and Regulations

Government involvement, primarily via agencies such as Ofgem, is steering the market towards sustainability. Policies that impact the energy tariff structures and energy price caps have a direct correlation with the running costs of charging an EV at home. Additionally, regulations are being fine-tuned to support the expansion of charging infrastructure in both residential and workplace settings.

Market Analysis and Adoption Data

The number of public charging points has escalated, reflecting burgeoning market adoption. As of January 2024, the United Kingdom boasts over 53,000 public charging devices, with more than 10,000 supporting 50 kW or higher. The availability of high-speed chargers is likely influencing consumer decisions and helping to integrate electric vehicles into daily life without range anxiety.

Consumer Preferences and Brand Considerations

Brand reputation and model features remain significant for consumers; the Hyundai Ioniq 6 is a testament to that with its popular appeal. A survey revealed that besides EV battery longevity and vehicle performance, factors like the availability of home charging options and the associated energy tariff also dictate EV drivers' choices. Consumers are displaying a preference for brands that not only offer advanced technology but also engage in responsible environmental practices.

Practical Tips for EV Owners

With the right strategies, electric vehicle (EV) owners can harness cost savings and efficiency, ensuring their home charging experience is economical and reliable. This section offers focused advice on optimising home charging routines, maintaining equipment, understanding available incentives, and conserving battery health.

Optimising Home Charging

Home charging an electric car is a balance between cost-efficiency and practicality. To optimise charging at home, EV drivers should consider a dedicated home charger, which is more efficient than using a standard plug. Using an electricity tariff designed for EVs can drastically reduce costs, sometimes offering lower rates during off-peak hours. For instance, charging overnight may reduce the price per kWh, leading to substantial savings over time.

Maintenance and Care for Home Charging Equipment

Maintaining your home charging equipment is crucial for its longevity and safety. Regularly inspect your charger for any signs of wear or damage. Ensure it's clean and that the surrounding area is free from obstructions. Occasional professional checks can help keep the unit functioning optimally, protecting your investment while ensuring reliability.

Incentives for EV Ownership and Charging Infrastructure

The UK government provides various incentives to encourage the adoption of EVs and the installation of home charging systems. Grants may cover a significant portion of installation costs, reducing the financial burden on owners. Researching local schemes is advisable, as they can differ by region. Some incentives may be time-sensitive, so staying informed is key to maximising benefits.

Best Practices for Battery Longevity

The health and capacity of an EV's battery are pivotal to its performance. To preserve the battery, avoid regularly charging it to 100% or depleting it completely. Charge in increments and maintain the battery charge between 20% and 80% when possible. This approach can help extend the battery's life and maintain its size and capacity, contributing to the vehicle's overall efficiency and value.

Future Outlook

The landscape of home electric vehicle (EV) charging is poised for dynamic change. With technology rapidly evolving and the push for sustainability growing stronger, the future for EV owners is looking increasingly bright and efficient.

Advancements in Charging Technology

Technological strides are galvanising the home charging ecosystem. Users will likely see the advent of ultra-rapid chargers which slash charging time significantly. These advancements will be synergistic with the development of EV tariffs, further optimising the charging experience at a domestic level.

The Role of Renewables in Home Charging

The integration of renewable energy into home charging setups is forecast to become more prevalent. As energy prices fluctuate, the impetus for utilising solar or wind-generated power strengthens. This synergy is pivotal in propelling the sustainability mandate, reducing dependency on the grid while harnessing naturally replenished resources.

Projected Growth of EVs and Charging Solutions

Despite the maturing market, expectations for the growth of electric vehicles and their ancillary services persist. The EV sector is geared towards significant market expansion, with projections aligning with an increase in both renewable power adoption and the sophistication of charging solutions at residences and workplaces alike.

Infrastructure Improvements and Urban Planning

Urban infrastructure is under transformation to accommodate the surge in public chargers and enhance EV accessibility. These developments are integral to urban planning agendas, aiming to construct a coherent network that supports the burgeoning EV industry while catering to the convenience required for seamless EV integration into daily life.

With these pivotal enhancements on the horizon, the home EV charging domain is set for an invigorating phase of development and alignment with broader energy and environmental goals.


In assessing the landscape of home EV charging in 2024, electric vehicle (EV) drivers face both financial and practical considerations. The costs of charging an EV at home have been influenced by recent energy price cap increases, which have seen a 5% rise since January 2024. Despite this, home charging maintains a cost-effective edge, with the average electricity cost in the UK around £0.14 per kWh.

EV drivers using a standard 60kWh battery can expect a full charge, providing approximately 200 miles of range, to cost about £8.40. This remains favourably lower than public charging options, which could amount to between £24.00 and £33.60 for an 80% charge, depending on the speed of the charger. The convenience of charging at home cannot be overstated, permitting EV owners to utilise overnight charging at lower tariffs and avoid the hunt for available public charging stations.

The initial investment in home charging infrastructure is moderated by its long-term benefits. Installation costs for a Level 2 charger typically range from £300 to £1,200, excluding the charger's price. This cost is a once-off and must be weighed against the ongoing savings made from home charging.

With the growth in EV ownership, the benefits of home charging stations continue to solidify their value proposition. The combination of convenience, lower costs, and the push for sustainable transport options renders home charging an increasingly attractive solution for EV drivers in 2024.

EV Charger Installation with iHeat

When considering the installation of an Electric Vehicle (EV) charger in the UK, iHeat offers efficient solutions tailored for private homeowners. 

Answer a few simple questions about your home and current car, (don’t worry, it only takes 60 seconds).

Choose from our range of EV chargers suitable for your home. Then checkout securely online.

Our expert engineers will install your new EV charger, we will also arrange your warranty. Thanks to our fully inclusive after care, you won't have to worry about a thing.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does an EV cost to charge at home?

A typical cost for charging an electric vehicle at home is approximately 27p per kWh. The exact expense fluctuates regionally and depends on your energy tariff.

Is it worth buying a home EV charger?

Investing in a home EV charger is generally considered worthwhile. It provides convenience and faster charging speeds compared to standard outlets, potentially increasing the resale value of your property.

How much does it cost to charge a car with a 3-pin plug?

Charging an EV with a 3-pin plug is less efficient than using a dedicated EV charger. Costs may be marginally higher due to longer charging times and higher tariffs during peak hours.

How many kWh is an EV home charger?

Average home EV chargers are typically around 7kW. Some models offer higher capacities, catering to different charging needs and vehicle requirements.

How long does a 7kW charger take to charge a car?

A 7kW home charger can typically charge an electric car battery from empty to full in around 6 to 12 hours, depending on the vehicle's battery capacity.

Can I charge my EV from a 3-pin plug?

Yes, an EV can be charged from a standard 3-pin plug, but it is considerably slower, usually providing around 2.3kW of power, translating to longer charging periods.

How many miles will a 7kW charger go?

Miles added per hour of charge from a 7kW charger vary by vehicle efficiency; however, you can expect to add approximately 25-30 miles of range per hour of charging.

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Article by
Stephen Day | Co-founder
Gas Safe registered and FGAS certified engineer with over 20 years experience in the heating and cooling industry.