31st July, 2023 Reviews
As a leading online boiler installation company, iHeat is committed to providing customers with the latest advancements in heating technology.
31st July, 2023 Advice
A back boiler conversion could be your ticket from the past to the present, where boilers can be sleek, efficient and best of all… actually save you m...
31st July, 2023 Advice
Buying a new home is a massive investment and you’ll likely consider a number of different factors when weighing up the cost of a property.
31st July, 2023 Guides
The location of your boiler in your home can sometimes be awkward and inconvenient, taking up lots of room, making annoying noises or being hard to ac...
23rd July, 2023 Advice
Sometimes, the location of your boiler isn’t ideal and there are a number of reasons you may wish to relocate it.
06th July, 2023 Reviews
At iHeat, we pride ourselves on offering the finest heating solutions to our customers. Today, we are excited to introduce you to the Baxi Platinum+ S...
15th April, 2023 News
The UK Government's Boiler Upgrade Scheme has fallen short of its ambitious target to replace a significant number of boilers with taxpayer-subsidised...
14th April, 2023 Guides
We understand that not everyone is clued up on boiler and heating terminology, but you can rely on us here at iHeat to help explain and simplify all y...
05th April, 2023 Guides
It’s no secret that combi boilers are the most popular type of boiler in the UK, but here we are going to discuss some of the key benefits to owning a...
06th March, 2023 Guides
By upgrading your old, inefficient heating system you can improve your home’s temperature control and even reduce energy bills.
26th January, 2023 Advice
We understand that not everyone is a boiler expert, and despite the at times confusing appliance market, of course you want your property to be heated...
16th January, 2023 Reviews
A modern and capable thermostat can often be overlooked as a key tool, synchronising with your boiler to ensure your home is efficiently heated.